Thursday 14 April 2016



Starting from the wired connections like twisted pair of cable, Co-axial cable,Ethernet & fiber optics to wireless modes of connections like infrared, bluetooth, microwaves & the most conventional and common medium of connection these days our lovely “wi-fi” (wireless fidelity). Technology gives us various modes to connect and to interact.

To add up to the modes of connection there is a new friend popularly known as “li-fi” which stands for light fidelity, yes!! you got it right Light fidelity. As the name suggests light fidelity, this tech. Uses wavelenght of light to transmit signals over devices or to a device (in whichever manner it’s been used). it’s quiet obvious that its is faster than wifi because it uses light to transmit signal (and according to my limited knowledge there is barely anything that is faster than light).

People around must be wondering how this light works?, what are the expensed related to it?, how fast it is? How much is the financial input one has to put to get it?, and most importantly “Is it really worth??”.

One stop for all your queries regarding lifi, but first-of-all let me tell you how this lightening bolt technology works.

Well by the name it is very much clear that it uses light to transmits data but, the next question is how?
Well,it basically plays with the wavelength of light to transmit data which is but modulating the wavelength of visible light. Every minute variation in the wavelength is a signal that is transmitted to the receiver on the other end. The use of visible light makes it much more easier to use. The changes in wavelength is not such that can be noticed by naked eye or could be felt anyhow as our eyes are not that much responsive to the changes in the intensity of light.

Now lets talk about the components a lifi system has. Just like the conventional wifi system, lifi also has a signal transmitter, receiver, and a medium thorough which the signal will travel.
In case of lifi

1. The signal transmitter is give the form of a led light that can be given any fancy form, like the ones we have in our homes these days. The creators of lifi choose led to transmit signal perhaps because modulating light is much more easy and effective in leds as they withstand various potential difference changes. As i already mentioned that the variation is not such that can be noticed easily so the computers
 of the led system codes the message to a wavelength form which is decoded but the receiver on the other end.

2. The medium in case of lifi is not that important as light is assumed to be its own master(apparently after emission) because light travels in all direction and does not require any medium to travel.

3. The receiver on the other end is a kind of solar-panel that receives the signal in form of light and as we all know the solar-panel converts the light energy to the electrical energy which is further transmitted through wires and cables to the computing device.

We all use light in one form or other and for one or many purpose, but the most common use is lightning up the surroundings. And in today’s scenario almost everyone has wifi connection (whether it be in form of mobile hotsopt or the high speed broadband connection), which requires a different electricity connection and also emits certain radiations too that is not much acceptable by the human body.
Now imagine combining your led lighting with your modem without any extra energy consumption and without any radiation to harm you.

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